Cyber Intelligence RESEARCH UNIT
Who we are People Research Projects Education Conferences Collaborations
Cyber Intelligence RESEARCH UNIT
Who we are People Research Projects Education Conferences Collaborations


Social media data is the largest and most dynamic data set on human behavior. Today these data represent a great opportunity to understand individuals, groups and social dynamics and they are potentially exploitable to carry out monitoring and prevention activities in relation to specific activities of public interest, such as terrorism, crime, disinformation. etc.
Many of the projects in which the Cyber ​​Intelligence research unit is involved are of this nature.

The huge amount of data (Big Data) produced by interactions on social communication channels requires the use of innovative techniques of data processing and data analysis, in order to produce intelligence information useful for making effective operational decisions. For these reasons, the typical activities of the research unit are the creation of sophisticated descriptive and/or predictive models that use the most advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques currently available, in order to produce highly accurate and useful software solutions, able to support users of information specific systems on every context of use.